Love Your Hair


Living in NYC, there is definitely pressure to look perfect & like you just stepped out of a salon at all times.  I prefer to go au natural and let my hair airdry. This gives me extra time to enjoy my morning before a hectic day of work or meetings instead of worrying about if my hair looks ‘perfect’. My only exception to that rule is when it’s the dead of winter and leaving the house in wet hair means it turning into icicles; which is never a good look. That’s about the only time of year that I pull out my blow dryer.

When I heard DOVE HAIR was starting a #LoveYourHair campaign I knew I definitely wanted to be a part of it. I’ve been using some of their products daily for many years and love their message to help empower woman by reminding them there are many ways to have beautiful hair. This particular campaign is spot on with how I feel about my hair. I truly think the key is to wear your hair however you want and stick with what makes YOU the happiest. Confidence always shines through when you feel like yourself and others notice that as well.

My hair has a natural wave and during certain times of year it even gets pretty curly; which is fun too. I basically let it do whatever it feels like and focus on more important aspects of the day like ‘What am I going to wear?’ Here are a few of my recent hair moments starting with curly cue waves on a French Vineyard tour.AngieNiles_LaVieAnnRose_Dove1

Running around Paris, scouting locations for a photo shoot calls a loose bunAngieNiles_LaVieAnnRose_Dove24

When I really want no fuss hair, then on goes my favorite straw hat. AngieNiles_LaVieAnnRose_Dove5

There are still those occasions where having someone else style my hair is also a treat.  Especially when it’s the incredible Rod Ortega.  I’ve found that the best way to end up with hair you love is if the stylist knows your personality and what makes you feel your best. That way you don’t leave the salon with an up do that you would just never ever do… Rod knows me well and is used to seeing me run around town with my messy curls. For the launch party to celebrate my book, BRIGHT LIGHTS PARIS, Rod kept my natural waves and gave me a simple yet chic side up do ala Veronica Lake with a pretty vintage broche to hold it up. To be honest, I was terrified of being in the spotlight but having a style that stayed true to my personality really helped me feel comfortable and enjoy the night.Dove2

Don’t get me wrong, I have girlfriends who live and swear by a good blow out and sometimes go on a weekly basis. They love the way straight hair makes them feel and I love that.   So whether straight hair, curls, long or short hair makes you happy. Just go for it because life’s too short to wear your hair how you think others think you should.

See more of DOVE HAIR’S #LoveYourHair campaign in this great girl power film!


Find more #LoveYourHair inspiration on DOVE HAIR’s Pinterest Page


xoxo, Angie

Thank you DOVE HAIR for partnering with me on this post and for sharing such a great message for woman.

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